There is one communication platform that can be easily accessible to anyone who has Gmail account. This communication platform is called Google Hangouts and it is used worldwide by many users.
To provide my subscribers and other users Phones Spy app that can monitor every cell phone activity I create this article where I want to show you:
- How to hack Hangouts?
- How to hack Hangouts with hacking tools?
- How to bypass account password and spy Google Hangouts activities?
- How to monitor Hangouts once the account has been hacked?
- How to Hack someones Hangouts Account on iPhone and Android?
Also, I want to note that above you can request very nice case study where I show you Top $3 Spy Apps and also provide you with additional information. Ok, now let’s start with the main question: How to hack Hangouts?
How to Hack Hangouts? Google Hangouts Hacking Tips & Tricks
There are many tips and tricks on the Internet on how to hack Hangouts. However, in many cases, you will find out some uncertain sources which will not provide you much information on actually hacking.
Here on Phones Spy, I want to completely explain you all important information that you need to know before you decide to start with the Google Hangout hacking. Because the site is about Phones Spy I will introduce you to the spying apps that are specially designed for…
- iPhone
- Android
…spying and monitoring. That is reasonable because this day’s most used cell phones platforms are iOS and Android.
Does this make sense to you? So as you probably suspect I will show you:
- How to Hack Hangouts on iPhone?
- How to Hack Hangouts on Android?
Also, I want to note that Hangouts is just an app like any other app on the cell phone and because of that, it can easily be hacked. The cell phone hacking can’t be done with one or two clicks from your location.
That is why you will need to use Phones Spy app which will secretly bypass iPhone or Android password and allow you to spy on someones activities without them knowing. In just a few second you will learn how to bypass account password and secretly spy on it’ s activities.
How to Spy on Someones Hangouts Activities?
So the answer to the question how to spy on someones Hangouts activities is simple. You will need to use Phones Spy app which will hack someone cell phone and allow you spying on its activities.
Now you can ask yourself which app is the best and which one to use?
The answer to that question isn’t so simple. It depends on your needs. However, I have made a research and conducted that there are two solutions that I want to point out as the best hack and spy Google Hangouts solutions.
During the testing, I have tried over the 20 cell phone apps that are used for monitoring purpose. During the testing I watch on monitoring criteria:
- The app price
- Stealthy ability
- See sent/received messages
- See sent/received photos
- See contact list
- Activities logs like names, date and time
Considering these criterions I was most satisfied with the:
#1 Hack Tool mSpy
#2 Hack Tool FlexiSPY
Hangouts Hack & Spy Software – mSpy
The first hacking tool that I point out is mSpy. When I try mSpy I was very satisfied with its interface. The interface is well adjusted and it allows you to easily monitor someones Hangouts activities. On the interface you can:
- Choose which activity you want to monitor
- Send remote and secret SMS commands
- See all extracted activities
This option helps you to save battery usage of the target iPhone or Android device. However, the most important thing I found on the mSpy is that it satisfies my spying needs.
The mSpy is professional monitoring app and it is specially designed for child monitoring. This means that it will allow you full real-time view in all Hangouts as well as other cell phone activities. Does this sound good to you?
I bet it does. So as you can see mSpy will not only hack and monitor Hangouts communication platform but it will also allow you to see other cell phone data without the owner knowing. If you want to see full mSpy features list check mSpy Reviews article on the link above.
Ok, now let’s see which activities you will you be able to see once the Google Hangout account has been hacked with mSpy.
How to monitor Hangouts account with mSpy?
As I say the mSpy is the app used for monitoring. However, it provides you one of the best abilities to monitor hangouts account.
When I set it up I was able to see that the first logs start to appear on my online control panel in the next 5 minutes. These logs contain:
- Messages that were sent/received
- Photos that were sent/received
- Full contact list and photos of the persons
- Activities logs like both side names, date and time
- GIFs, Emoji, stickers
As you can see mSpy has the ability to monitor all activities I wanted and even more. However, I found one app that is even stronger and it is called FlexiSPY but I must note that there is the very big difference in prices.
If you ask me mSpy monitoring abilities are well enough for the money you pay and that is why I point it out as the #1 solution to hack and spy on Google Hangouts account activities.
Hangouts Hack & Spy Software – FlexiSPY
FlexiSPY - from $12.42/month

(5 out of 5)
So the second and the most powerful Google Hangouts hack solution is FlexiSPY. If you want a really powerful solution then you definitely wanna consider using FlexiSPY. FlexiSPY cost more than mSpy but it will allow you to:
- Record and listen Hangouts Calls remotely
- See all Hangouts conversations with full logs
- Photos and videos
- Contract list
- Extract Gmail as well as Hangouts password
So the key advantages are recorded and listen to calls and password hacking. The FlexiSPY feature called password cracker is a specially designed ability to immediately extract all passwords that are inserted into the monitored iPhone or Android cell phone.
So you probably ask yourself now does this means that FlexiSPY will extract other passwords? The answer is that yes FlexiSPY will extract all passwords and that includes…
- Hangouts password
- Android device security pattern,
- iPhone & iPad passcode,
- Emails passwords like Gmail, Yahoo and etc.,
- Facebook password,
- Line password,
- Twitter password,
- Instagram password,
- Snapchat password
…and many others. Once you have the password there is no restriction for you. You can login to someone Hangouts account without them knowing and secretly see all activities for yourself. Is that ability that you want?
How to monitor Hangouts account with FlexiSPY?
Ok, so once you hacked someone Google Hangout account now you want to know where you can see all activities. All Phones Spy apps send all extracted information to the online control panel interface.
So this means that you will need to have FlexiSPY account where you will be able to see all information whenever you want. This account is created for you with the purchase and you are provided with the…
- Username
- Password
…and link to access the login page. Once you login then you will see all options as well as extracted monitored cell phone logs.
The special FlexiSPY VoIP feature allows you to record and listen the calls that have been made from this communication platform. This is indeed one very nice feature that you would like to have if the person you want to monitor constantly talks on the cell phone. Does this sound logical to you?
So if you want the best of the best then you can choose to use the FlexiSPY app. With this app, you won’t miss anything. However many users want the cheapest solution and decide to use mSpy instead because it is weaker but still very powerful Hangouts monitoring solution.
How to Hack Someones Gmail Easily? Hangouts & Gmail Hacking Tools
Google Hangout hacking usually goes together with Gmail hacking. So do you wanna learn How to hack someones Gmail easily?
If so then you don’t need to bother yourself because you already learn about two hangouts hacking tools that can also hack someones…
- Gmail account
- Yahoo account
- Hotmail account
…and other emails that are used on the target cell phone device. This tow hacking tools are mSpy and FlexiSPY. These apps are usually used to monitor and track someones activities remotely without anyone knowing. So if you setup mSpy or FlexiSPY app to perform Google Hangouts tracking than you have also setup the Gmail account hacking and spying app. Sounds good, does it?
Why Should I use monitoring Apps?
The monitoring apps are this day most used spying solutions. Many users ask themselves why is that so? The reasons why people use it are different from user to user.
However using the monitoring apps provide many advantages. The most valuable advantages I find out are:
- Easy to hack and spy on someone account
- Fast and Simple setup procedure
- Remotely access to all extracted activities
- Invisible modes so no-one will ever know
As you can see this are very powerful reasons. Right? I create this list due to many feedbacks of the monitoring apps users.
Also, there are reasons why people decide that they need monitoring app in the first place. There are also various reasons but the most common ones are to:
- Discover is someone dishonest
- Prevent someone from danger on the internet
- Ensure Employee efficiency
I am sure that you have your own reasons why you are here on the Phones Spy site and note that this monitoring apps might help. Many users all around the world use them and the reason is obvious, they help. Does this sound logical to you?
Ok, now if you decide to start using monitoring app in order to extract secret Google Hangouts activities on someone iPhone or Android then it is time to learn how to setup the monitoring app.
How to start monitor someone iPhone and Android Hangout Data Remotely
Do you wanna learn: how to start monitor someone iPhone and Android Hangout data remotely? The answer to that question is that you need to setup the app you want to choose.
Because of the many questions on how to setup the monitor app I created special articles where I show you step by step instructions which you need to do to setup monitor app. Because I point out…
- mSpy
- FlexiSPY
…as the top two monitor solutions, I created special setup articles for this two apps. The link is below in the conclusion part.
On the other hand once you setup the monitor app then all data will start to appear on your online control panel. The online control panel is accessible only to you so now none will ever know.
Also, you can access online control panel whenever you want to from any device you own remotely through the Internet. There you can see all…
- Settings
- Extracted activities
…as soon as they happen. So this means that monitoring app takes any activity whenever it happened and immediately upload it to you. Pretty nice don’t you think?
Final Verdict
Ok, this was the how to Hack Hangouts Account on iPhone and Android guide. Here I show you how to hack and spy on someones Google Hangout account without anyone knowing.
The secret is in Phones Spy apps which are used to secretly monitor someone cell phone and immediately send activity to you whenever they happen. I test many Cell phone spy apps and conducted that the best apps for Hangouts hacking are:
#1 Hack Tool – mSpy Reviews
#2 Hack Tool – FlexiSPY Reviews
The FlexiSPY is more powerful and provides you few very nice features. However, mSpy is a lot cheaper and also has nice abilities to hack and spy on someone Hangouts account remotely. If you really wanna find out someone activities remotely I recommend you to use mSpy.