Easy spy pro – By ILF Mobile Apps Corp.
License duration: lifetime |
Buy now – USD $69.99 |
Top 5 reasons why to buy Easy Spy Pro cell phone spy software
- This is powerful spy software which enables you to remotely spy on a cell phone fast, easy and totally undetected.
- Software installation takes only a three minutes and after that, you are able to monitor all activities at any time from anywhere all around the world.
- Software is designed to be user-friendly application which can use beginners as well as advanced users.
- Software is safe and easy to use but also powerful enough to track as well as monitor all hidden activities of the target phone.
- Software provides you free upgrades and professional customer support and also after the purchase there are no additional costs, no monthly fees, no contracts and license duration is Lifetime.
What is Easy Spy Pro?
Easy Spy Pro is powerful spy software which enables you to remotely spy on a cell phone fast, easy and totally undetected. With this software, you will be able to track as well as monitor all hidden activities of the target phone. Also, software is design to be user-friendly application so it can be by use anyone from advanced users to the beginners because it is design for easy navigation and efficient as well as comfortable use to users from younger to older one.
Why would I use Easy Spy Pro?
With this software installed on the target phone you are able to view all monitored activities at any time from anywhere all around the world, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Creators of Easy Spy Pro software always work hard to create new and exciting features for their users.
Software is compatible with most smartphones, iPad and Android-based tablets. Also, software is constantly upgrade to stay compatible with all new models.
This software can use everyone from unskilled to highly experienced users so it is recommended to everyone. If you have some doubts than Easy Spy Pro is powerful as well as inexpensive solution for you.
The installation of this software is as it should be very simple and it takes less than 3 minutes. The application is design to work stealthily so you do not need to worry that someone will notice it. After the installation is done you will be able to track as well as monitor all hidden activities of the target phone.
This software is used by many satisfied customers all around the world.
Easy Spy Pro Compatibility
Software works on many of cell phones including:
- Android
- Samsung
- LG
- Blackberry
- iPhones
- and many more.
Easy Spy Pro is constantly upgrading to stay compatibile with all new phones that can find on the marker.
Compatible iOS
All iOS including the latest release are supported.
- iOS 3
- iOS 4
- iOS 5
- iOS 6
- iOS 7
Compatible Android OS versions
All Android OS versions are supported with this software.
- 2.1
- 2.2
- 2.3
- 3.0/3.1/3.2
- 4.0
- 4.1
- 4.2
- 4.3
- 4.4
Easy Spy Pro supported phones
Apple Supported Devices
All Apple devices are supporter with this software including:
iPhone 5
iPhone 5s
iPhone 5c
iPhone 4S
iPhone 4
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 3G
Android Supported Phones
With this software, all Android phones are supported in ALL countries with all cell phone providers.
Compatible Sprint Phones
Blackberry Bold 9650 Smartphone
Blackberry Curve 8900 Smartphone
Blackberry Curve 3G 9300 Smartphone
BlackBerry Curve 3G 9330 Smartphone
BlackBerry Curve 8350i Smartphone
BlackBerry Curve 8530 smartphone
BlackBerry Tour 9630 Smartphone
Blackberry Style 9670 Smartphone
HTC Arrive
HTC EVO Shift 4G
HTC Hero
HTC Touch Pro2
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S
iPhone 5
Kyocera Echo
LG Optimus S
Motorola i1
Motorola Brute i680
Motorola Clutch i465
Motorola Debut i856
Motorola i890
Motorola Renegade V950
Nexus S
Samsung Epic 4G
Samsung Galaxy Tab
Samsung Instinct HD
Samsung Intercept
Samsung Intrepid
Samsung Moment
Samsung Reclaim
Samsung Restore
Samsung Seek
Samsung Transform
Sanyo Zio
Compatible Verizon Phones
BlackBerry Bold 9650 smartphone
Blackberry Bold 9650 – Blackberry 6
Blackberry Bold 9930
BlackBerry Curve 3G 9330 smartphone
Blackberry Curve 8330 smartphone
BlackBerry Curve 8530 smartphone
BlackBerry Storm 9530 smartphone
BlackBerry Storm2 9550 smartphone
BlackBerry Tour 9630 smartphone
Casio Boulder G’Zone
Casio G’Zone Commando
Droid Charge 4G
Droid 1
Droid 2
Droid 3
Droid Pro
Droid R2D2
Droid Incredible
Droid Incredible II
Droid X
Droid X2
Droid Eris
HTC Imagio
HTC Ozone
HTC Rezound
HTC Rhyme
HTC Thunderbolt 4G
HTC Touch Pro 2
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S
iPhone 5
LG Ally
LG Chocolate TOUCH
LG Fathom
LG Lucid 4G
LG Revolution
LG Vortex
Motorola Bionic
Motorola Citrus
Motorola Devour
Motorola Razr
Motorola Xoom
Samsung Continuum
Samsung Droid Charge
Samsung Fascinate
Samsung Galaxy
Samsung Galaxy S
Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Samsung Stratosphere 4G
Sony Xperia
Compatible AT&T Phones
Blackberry Bold 9000
Blackberry Bold 9700
Blackberry Curve 3G
Blackberry Curve 8310
Blackberry Curve 8520
Blackberry Curve 8900
Blackberry Curve 9300
Blackberry Pearl 3G
Blackberry Pearl Flip
Blackberry Torch
Blackberry Torch 9810
HTC Aria
HTC Desire
HTC Inspire
HTC Status
HTC Surround
HTC Tilt 2
HTC Vivid 4G
iPhone 3
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S
iPhone 5
LG Phoenix
LG Thrill
Motorola Atrix 4G
Motorola Flipout
Samsung Infuse 4G
Samsung Captivate
Samsung Galaxy 5
Samsung Nexus S 4G
Sony Ericsson Xperia
Sony Ericsson Vivaz
Compatible T Mobile Phones
Blackberry Curve 3G
Blackberry Curve 8520
Blackberry Bold 9700
Blackberry Bold 9780
Blackberry Bold 9900
HTC Amaze
HTC Sensation
LG Optimus T
LG Double Play 4G
Motorola Cliq
Motorola Cliq 2
Motorola Cliq XT
Motorola Defy
Motorola Charm
Samsung Exhibit 4G
Samsung Galaxy S
Samsung Galaxy 5
Samsung Vibrant
T Mobile Comet
T Mobile G2
T Mobile G2x with Google
T Mobile Mytouch 3G
T Mobile Mytouch 4G T Mobile Sidekick 4G
Compatible Virgin Mobile
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S
LG Optimus Elite
LG Optimus Slider
Kyocera Rise
Motorola Triumph
Samsung Galaxy Reverb
Samsung Galaxy S2 4G
Compatible Metro PCS Phones
Blackberry Curve 8530
Huawei Ascend TapouT Edition
Huawei Ascend
Kyocera Domino
LG Helix
LG Imprint
LG Lyric
LG Optimus M
LG Select
Samsung Code
Samsung Contour
Samsung Craft
Samsung Galaxy Indulge 4G
Compatible US Cellular Phones
Blackberry Bold 9650
Blackberry Curve 9330
LG Apex
LG Genesis
LG Optimus U
HTC Desire
HTC Merge
Samsung Acclaim
Samsung Gem
Samsung Mesmerize
Software compatible networks
Easy Spy Pro works with:
Metro PCS
and with all cell phone service providers in all countries.
Software Features
With Easy Spy Pro features you will be able to monitor target phone no matter where target person is. Also if the SMS or call logs are deleted you are still able to see it from your online control panel so the target person can’ t hide anything from you.
Software features:
Text Messages
Monitor every text message sent/received from the target phone.
- The phone number.
- The whole text message (data).
- Type of SMS (received/sent).
- Date and Time.
Call Logs
See every call that is made or received with additional informations.
- The phone number.
- Call duration.
- Date and time of call.
- Type of call (outgoing/missed/incoming).
GPS Tracking
Spy target phone location on a map with all other informations like street names, town names and more.
- Real-Time tracking.
- Location Points.
- GPS history.
Browser History
See all target phone browser history with additional informations.
- Page title.
- Web page URL.
- Date and time when it was visited.
With this software you are able to see all Emails received/sent with whole content.
- Email sender.
- Email receiver.
- The whole Email content.
- Date and Time email was sent/received.
Photos and Videos
Every photo taken and video recorded on the target phone is uploaded to your online control panel where you can see them.
- Full video and high-quality photo.
- Date and Time of photo/video.
Call Recordings
Easy Spy Pro allows you to recording every conversation of the target phone. You will also be able to hear both side conversation on any audio player from your cell phone, tablet, PC.
- Recording both sides conversation.
- Telephone number of caller /called.
- Time and length of call.
Secret Microphone Activation
Easy Spy Pro uses a number which can be set up from your online control panel to activate microphone. You can enter a five numbers. When you made a call from any of the set phones then the target phone microphone is automatically activated and you will be able to hear target phone surroundings.
- Remote surroundings listening feature.
- Set up to five numbers.
- Numbers can be change from your control panel and normal call can be made.
- You are able to hear everything like you are there.
Professional cell phone spy software
Easy Spy Pro is no doubt the cheaper professional cell phone spy software available on the market. App does not require any additional costs or monthly fees. This software provide you with all needed basic and stable features for invisible tracking of the target person hidden activities.
With this professional cell phone spy software, you won’t miss anything because all monitored activities are automatically uploaded on your secure online control panel where you can access to this data at any time from anywhere all around the world.
So if your kids or employee are hiding something from you this software is definitely the cheapest and the most advanced way to learn the truth and prevent unwanted behaviours.
License duration: lifetime |
Buy now – USD $69.99 |
What would I do if target phone stolen or changed may I use it with new phone with same number
Hi Shamas,
No, Easy Spy Pro has one license for only one phone only. This means that it is connected to the device and you will not be able to use it with other phones.
However, the license is lifetime so it will work whether the phone is stolen or not for as long as the phone is working. Of course, you are able to send remote command and delete it whenever you want.
Hope this helps.
Best regards
I live in Canada. Will it work with the provider Rogers?
Hi Stephan,
Yes, it will work. It only needs the internet connection to upload information’ s to your online control panel.
Best Regards,
im so confused. I followed the directions to the fullest… I downloaded all of the javas. BTscanner is trying to open in the java SE platform…
Is the BTscanner for XP and Vista only? is that why we have to do the compatibility trouble shoot? all the tech support does is reply with the link on how to do the trouble shoot compatibility or send me the link for the troubleshoot from their page.
I have tried all of it.
My computer is a windows 8 and I have 8.1
I did the compatibility and I selected windows 8 for each of the 6 files… Was that correct? am I supposed to select what my computer uses?
The system, has it for XP and if I changed it to 8 so that it would work.
I saved it and I did it for each of the 6 files..
I clicked the folder again and clicked BTSinstall then, I clicked the Scanner Icon and it would not open.
I watched the video as well..
I noticed that in the installation video when he opens up the folder and click the btsinstall one of the six files that is named BTSscanner is colored and it looks like a stack of books.
when I open my folder to click the bts install… my BTS scanner does not have color and doesn’t look like a stack of books.
all he said that I should get a box that pops telling me that there maybe an issue with installing and to click okay and instal anyway and that’s when the black screen comes up. Well I didn’t get that little error. but the black screen did come up..
This is the link to the video.. I followed http://dpr5.com/btscanner/btscanner.html
I click the install then I click the blue icon and it doesn’t open up
Im totally puzzled. I wait all day and when I get a reply from support. They simply give me a programed link from their page… That I already tried. I need some type of personalization and understanding with an explanation of what the issue could be. I really hope you could help me 🙂
Hi Sassy,
You can check this problems but i think you already see this:
If this doesn’ t help you will need to submit a ticket here:
If nothing helps you need to Live talk and explain your situation, call this number: 866.611.9506 Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm EST.
Technical Support Representative
Phones Spy